The creatures had surely intended to kill them both.
Since the creatures probably intended no good, Smash stepped quickly across the firewall for a peek at that situation.
So this soft creature really did intend to bring far more to bear against this crisis than his lone vessel.
Now, naturally, the creature intends that his race shall also dominate this universe.
I wonder what the creatures intend doing with us, Perry.
Unless, of course, the creatures intend to roast us over a nice magma pit.
Naturally, the creature now intends that his kind shall also dominate our universe.
Shaking his head, the dragon began to circle, and it suddenly occurred to Tanis that the creature intended to land!
She didn't know why; obviously, if the creature intended her harm, the flimsy glass and frame could not protect her.
I did not know if I fought the woman or the cat, only that the creature intended to kill me.