Not that I could forget Heu-Heu; on the contrary, it is not too much to say that this devilish creature haunted me.
One gleaming flock broke away to dart towards the time-worn stumps of the Old One's dwellings, and he wondered yet again why such lovely creatures should haunt places so wrapped in damnation.
Perhaps an echo from the past touched our minds in that moment, from the time when creatures who hated man still haunted this country.
The creature has been haunting me for the last ten minutes!
There are videocameras to record the events and Jody and Dan soon discover that a powerful creature known as "Mama" is haunting them, trying to claim their newly adopted children.
"What creature besides humans would haunt this empty land, without a plant or animal to eat?"
Problem is, terrible creatures haunted the only pass leading to the valley where this river could be found.
Ancient spirits have returned to the wells and springs; fearful creatures haunt the ruins.
The Jersey Devil: This creature has been haunting New Jersey for nearly 300 years.
In either case, Hutch hoped it would be more than enough to keep whatever creatures might haunt the neighborhood at a respectful distance.