The creature reared up on its back four legs and grasped one of Jean's hands with its front paws as if searching for something.
The Heron's hull had cleared the nearest hellplant, but the creature grasped an oarblade as the ship drove past.
The creature had just grasped its unconscious victim when its attention was directed to the other human charging wildly to the attack.
The assumption was that any rational creature would grasp the idea that orderly signals were rational attempts to open communication.
A long, flat, many-armed creature was quietly slithering toward Leviathan, grasping its dissociated members in its wriggling tentacles and pushing them into a circular, snapping mouth ringed with sharp teeth.
That small white creature could not as yet have grasped the notion that the welfare of the future lay, not with the future, but with the past.
To his delight he found that the winged creature intelligently grasped the requirement and at once transferred its presence to the required spot.
The creature grasped Frodo with a long, pale-green, luminous, fingered tentacle.
The creature grasped the javelin shaft with its middle pair of limbs, trying to twist the weapon from Nonnus' hands.
Considering how hard Piemur had worked with Farli, it was a crying shame that the little creature couldn't grasp the essential point.