Then the creature dived under the bed.
But the creature dived under the surface of the water, barely escaping Draco's reaching talons.
The creature dived for my right wing so quickly that nothing but a sheer drop could have saved me.
The creature snapped up the fig and dived into the wall so quickly that anything as long as an instant would have been lost in the shuffle.
The creature then snatches Hyun-seo and dives back into the river.
The creature dived for him, mouth open wide to snatch up the prey.
These creatures later dived into a huge tunnel close to the centre of the town and disappeared.
He saw the black back turn as the creature dived, and the flesh of the white belly beneath him.
The creature crashed back to the surface, and then dove deep, carrying the shapeless mass of wood and men to a permanent grave.
As the group watched in horror, the creatures dove toward the sage.