As the companions climbed out, a vast black creature confronted them, its piercing red eyes glowing in hatred.
Elsewhere, the two towering alien creatures confront Plutonian, claiming to be his parents.
From a distance of twenty feet the big, creature confronted them, blowing and buffing and snorting.
The three-headed adult creature confronts them in the hallway, and they run upstairs to Charles's bedroom.
-the creatures in the forefront were already confronting the banks of the snowbound Vark.
"We do not know at what minute some fierce creature may confront us--think how helpless we shall be without weapons with which to defend ourselves."
A creature hefting a double-headed axe confronted them.
Before she could leave the cave, a serpentine creature (not Okuninushi, but some unnamed monstrosity) confronted her.
Abruptly she was gone and the creature confronted the musicians, but they taunted him with their rhythms.
The new creature calls itself "Poison" and breaks into Stark Tower and confronts Aunt May and Mary Jane.