He wondered how the creature communicated with its kind; perhaps it did not rely on sound at all.
All creatures communicate only in the manner to which they are instinctively and inwardly programmed.
So presumably, other creatures are simply talking and communicating about the world according to their particular mind configurations.
But almost all creatures communicate with their own kind, often - especially among the higher animals - in sheer play and frolic.
"Uhura, is there any chance that the creatures are communicating by radio transmissions?"
We must assume nothing, but it is possible that these creatures have communicated with other Moties.
At this pioneering conservation project, you will get to see up close how these curious, highly intelligent creatures communicate and live.
Did you let that creature communicate with his ship?
How did these creatures communicate with each other?
"Not every intelligent creature communicates through a verbal process," Tuvok reminded her.