The creators of the show have explicitly acknowledged that the character is based on Brian Sewell.
On his site, the creator of the strip acknowledges drawing heavily on features of Jackson, Ohio as his source of inspiration.
It is the Postal Service's newest stamp, and even its creators acknowledge that it is less than beautiful.
(The creators of "Mad City" acknowledged that it has some overtones of the Wilder film.)
The creators of the series acknowledge that Rimmer's surname comes from a snobby prefect with whom they attended school.
The creator acknowledged that she turned out very weak.
Its creators tacitly acknowledged that it did, when they revised the opera for American consumption after its European premieres in Brussels and Paris.
The creators of this "Triumph" acknowledge this darker complexity.
However good the show may be, it's worth mentioning that in the big picture, it's likely more of a niche offering than the creators or Ms. Gates would acknowledge.
The events of September 11, 2001 were featured heavily on The Daily Rotten pages, a fact that the creators acknowledge as contributing to the popularity of the site.