From a creative standpoint is it comparable to the efforts of writers on scripted shows like "ER" and "CSI"?
When the straight-forward, intellectual territory has been mined, it's tough, at least from a creative standpoint, to be fresh and original.
From a creative standpoint, Adria's character was created to give Vala Mal Doran a story and personality arc as a member of the SG-1 team.
After creating several original graphic novels, Kindt felt the format was becoming too "easy" from a creative standpoint.
Although he has written a concerto, Schyman does not regularly compose "art music" pieces, as he finds his commercial work to be "satisfying music from a creative standpoint".
"From a creative standpoint, we're developing our own resources, building our own department," said Mr. Hall, who joined Mr. Lee for the interview.
"You have to venture a guess from a creative standpoint the company is at risk," he said.
With that much to play with, there's a lot of stuff you can try with this system from a creative standpoint.
Mike Medavoy and all the people in the organization have been wonderful to work with from a creative standpoint.
It opened the door, as far as I was concerned for us to be able to work together from a creative standpoint.