Shinzou Sound is a group of creative collaborators specializing in manga, music, web design, and popular culture.
He becomes Mark's creative collaborator, playing all the characters and, through his acting, giving the Gospel atmospheric background as well as dramatic shape.
Of her two friends, Marling says, "I just got tremendously lucky that I met two creative collaborators.
The company is also a creative collaborator of the director Joe Hahn from Linkin Park.
Among his creative collaborators and friends in Wales was the artist Will Roberts, who lived in Neath.
Schneider was perfectly aware that creative collaborators have an impact on the intentions of a playwright.
The songs on the album were mostly written over a two-month period with creative collaborator and partner Nuttall.
Terry invited a number of creative collaborators to work with him on different issues, around the central theme of identity.
Ms. Clarke is typical of Mr. Nicola's creative collaborators.
And though casting directors are usually regarded as facilitators, they also see themselves as creative collaborators, helping to realize a director's vision.