Intellectuals who had left China returned to take part in the "creation of a new order" (Spence 1999, 536).
Iraq's most powerful Shiite politician has just dealt a huge blow to American-backed efforts to avoid civil war through the creation of a new, nationally inclusive constitutional order.
Architecture was declared a key weapon in the creation of a new social order.
Finally, the creation of a Tuscan military order would also strengthen the prestige, both internal and international, of Cosimo's new state.
The movement stood for "the creation of a new order of Asianism to take the place of the old order of Indianism in South Asia.
These repetitive interactions lead to the creation of a social order that is subject to change each time a dominant animal is challenged by a subordinate one.
India has also played an active role in the deliberations of the United Nations on the creation of a more equitable international economic order.
The defeat of Saddam Hussein will lead to the creation of a new order in the Middle East.
The reformers' first goal was the creation of a new order of service-at this time the Strasbourg reformers followed Zwingli's liturgy.
Ladies and gentlemen, in recent times the European Union has increasingly become a driving force in the creation of a new international order.