These creations give groups and organizations a unique opportunity to present themselves to the viewers of the parade.
And I think we are ready for it, not least because the creation of a united Europe is giving a strong push in new directions.
And its creation would give Congress, for the first time, an independent body to which it could appeal a classification decision.
Though he couldn't speak, these remarkable creations gave him a voice in the realm of art.
The creation of the Premier League gave the football clubs more independence.
Dust and water existed for eternity and creation gave them form.
The creation of these glass spheres have given the town a reputation.
The creation of the university gave an economic impulse to the town, basically (among other reasons) because students lodged in the town.
we tried to calculate how big a snap the corridor's creation would have given the Stone.
"I think that the creation of a Leveson act would give politicians ability to loom over press coverage," he adds.