In 1928, Disney lost control of the rights to a previous creation called Oswald the Rabbit.
"Why no, ma'am-I've never heard this part of creation called anything but the White Lands."
Concentrate on the starters and spectacular desserts, especially a creation called chocolate cigar.
Early on in their brand they created a popular creation called Orangine, which was a orange-flavored soda.
They are, however, welcome to cooperate in the creation of another kind of one-minute piece, called "fine ideas."
Most personal creations by singers, called Fandangos personales, are based on these varieties of fandango.
Yet another Asian delight was a creation called Chino pan.
This natural process is distinct from the intentional creation of dwarf breeds, called dwarfing.
The quartet's most famous piece is a creation called: "Homecoming".
This creation of new habits and karmic tendencies, called bhava, will come to fruition through future experiences.