The hurricane season created winds (to the delight of local windsurfers) and rain, but no damage.
High-pressure air seeks balance by rushing toward low pressure, creating winds.
By creating a contrast with surrounding air, the low pressures create high winds.
However, he rejected the idea of a spinning earth as absurd as he believed it would create huge winds.
The character's speed allows him to perform feats such as create cyclone-strength winds; run up walls and cross bodies of water.
Most tropical cyclones create strong winds and heavy rains.
The system also created damaging winds and a great amount of hail.
The two automatic doors never open at the same time, again, to avoid creating strong winds caused by pressure gradient.
He has the ability to become intangible and control air, creating winds and vacuums.
This constituted a 50 degree temperature drop from the morning, and created violent winds.