Several of the Mitchell peaks were clustered together here, creating deep, meandering valleys between them.
Meanwhile, rain also erodes the volcano, creating deeply incised valleys.
As volatility increases, creating more peaks and valleys in stock prices, so does the temptation for investors to time the market.
These raised bumps invariably creates valleys, which hold the air in the same manner as the tears on the rough side.
In addition, muscles in the hand thin and weaken, creating valleys between the long tendons.
Essentially, you can think of the vibrational modes as randomly creating hills and valleys along the paths.
Kasarnaba has many hills creating deep valleys in between including:
Without the block, the paper can quickly cut into the softer sections of the wood, creating valleys and ripples.
Erosion acting on master joints is responsible for creating valleys and later canyons.
And water had run here, creating channels and valleys.