Shoreham's used equipment sale is not expected to create any controversy, unlike the disposal of the plant's nuclear fuel.
All of these unusual elements combined to create a musical experience unlike anything the Monterey audience had ever seen.
Armageddon sought to create a style unlike any other in rock.
But that catastrophic event created a trove of salamander fossils unlike any ever seen.
His hands smoothed over her back, creating a heat, a longing unlike any that had come before it.
"If each girl puts herself into a ballerina's shoes, it will create an effect unlike any other company in the world," she said.
This creates a situation not unlike the train scene in Uncharted 2.
In the last fifty feet, the slope became less steep, creating an effect not unlike that of a beach.
The music created a thoughtful, poetic mood, not unlike a quiet bus ride through Vermont.
And they create traffic not unlike the malls.