Print Shop, a publishing program especially easy to understand, is used by many schools, churches and small businesses to create signs, greeting cards and calendars.
He completed the study and opened a business in Greenfield creating and maintaining signs.
Xerox expects one of Gyricon's first applications will help create changeable signs for retail stores.
Each young gardener will apply their artistic skills to creating signs identifying his or her plot and each plant.
The city offered Ted art clubs and opportunities to design murals for school and create signs for special events.
Protesters seized this opportunity to create signs and banners designed for international television audiences.
Printshop allows users to create posters and signs using a computer and a printer.
Sometimes, these strategies create telltale signs on corporate balance sheets or income statements.
Instead, creating signs that read "Hugs Here," they offered something a little more intangible.
Therefore, what distinguishes humans from other animals is their ability to create and manipulate signs.