Increasingly, rebel armies have adapted slash-and-burn techniques, creating more refugees.
The Iraqi war has killed a million and created four million refugees.
The war was long and protracted, lasting until 1902, and created many refugees.
In 2000 and 2003, anti-Bihari violence led to the deaths of up to 200 people, and created 10,000 internal refugees.
It was obvious that the fighting would create more refugees and that they would head to Zaire.
The war has created more than a million refugees, mostly Azerbaijanis.
The wars have created more than 7.8 million refugees among Iraqis, Afghans, and Pakistanis.
Rising sea levels were on pace to create more refugees in China than in any other country, even Bangladesh.
The conflict has created more than 400,000 refugees.
Two months later the Giv'ati brigade carried out a further operation in this area capturing at least 16 villages and creating 'more than 20,000' refugees.