For those magazines pushing simplicity, the rush into the newly created niche can create redundancy.
It can send a message to the machine sending the data to send it again, creating redundancy.
But it also created redundancy or duplication as each country had its own back-office functions, such as- supply, procurement, finance and human resources.
This would allow another route for electricity into Christchurch and the Upper South Island, and create redundancy in the network.
This project will reduce air pollution, provide tremendous economic benefit and bolster security by creating redundancy in the region's goods-movement system, and it enjoys the support of numerous elected officials, as well as environmental, business and community organizations.
The restriction on the ability to plan often creates much redundancy.
This method creates high redundancy and does not allow holding metadata together.
However, over-emphasis of organic assets can create wasteful redundancy.
Amendments Nos 3, 4, 16, 21 and 33 are unacceptable because they create redundancy between the two directives.
The image can also usually be moved among data centers run by the same firm if you have a reason to switch, or to create redundancy.