Powell continued by stating the law does not create poverty that hinders poor women from seeking abortion.
He has interesting things to say about the way culture and economics intertwine to create urban poverty.
The ones that created more uncertainty, social unrest, poverty and misery?
If America's booming economy depends on people's using consumer credit beyond their means, thus creating poverty, do we really have a healthy economy?
The system created bankruptcy and poverty, and the victims moved west and developed the country.
And they would give due recognition to the role that promiscuity has played in creating poverty.
It is tariff barriers, and not free trade, which create poverty.
Europe has created unemployment, insecurity and poverty by thoughtlessly opening up its borders.
The economy is growing again, but it is not creating jobs or easing poverty.
Extreme inequality creates poverty, which in turn generates high debt, as the poor and the middle class try to maintain their living standard through borrowing.