In that capacity, Prann played a significant role in the launch of; creating podcasts and developing content for the website.
Along with creating videos and podcasts, The Eyrie also publishes online versions of the paper.
The team then worked on creating weekly podcasts until September 2008 where NSR in its current format was born, with daily live shows.
There are free programs that are easily accessible to all people to create podcasts.
In 2007 the group began creating monthly podcasts, and showcasing findings on the popular website YouTube.
Some podcasters are taking it another step forward, creating video podcasts (sometimes known as vidcasts or even vodcasts).
And the stores are organized around different uses of computing technology: organizing music, editing digital photos or movies, creating podcasts and blogs - all done with Apple's software.
And I'd like to help guide them to create podcasts in formats that most folks like to listen to or watch.
The Institute publishes books, produces documentaries, and creates video casts, podcasts, and written materials for its website and new media venues.
Users can create podcasts (dubbed "Nabcasts" by Violet).