However, he was unable to create coherent phrases and chose to string together random phonemes.
These different samples all contained a single Japanese phonic which, when strung together, would create full words and phrases.
The apes created phrases from combinations of signs to denote new things that were brought into their environment.
There hypertext creates different phrases in different frames, and the reader has to make sense of it on their own.
The word sculptures create individual words or phrases that evoke a multiplicity of meanings.
Wycliffe's 14th-century biblical translation created phrases like "held his peace" and "gave up the ghost."
This refers to learners creating new words or phrases for words that they do not know.
This is because of their ability to create products, phrases and ideas that disseminate the population triggering a response within the brain causing a cultural phenomena.
(Interestingly, the chimps are able to manipulate the language to such an extent that they can create new words and phrases.)
The first of these strategies creates memorable phrases, while the second forces us to create our own reconciliations of the supposed contradictions.