But other regions can increase their profits only by cutting down trees and creating pasture instead.
It is sometimes semi-domestcated because of its useful function in controlling insects, and has benefited from the clearing of woodlands to create pasture.
The reason for its extinction is thought to be the destruction of its shrubland habitat which was repeatedly burnt in the early 20th century to create pasture.
It strongly favors gallery forests, but such forests have now been cleared from much of Madagascar in order to create pasture for livestock.
Lush forest was burned to create sparse wasteland and pasture.
The forests and shrubland of this region are annually burned to create new pasture for agriculture purposes, which is then overgrazed.
The cattlemen, following a new highway from Rio Branco, cut down the forest to create pasture for cattle, destroying vast stands of rubber trees.
Around 1790, large part of the Rhine Valley were deforested, creating arable land, fields and pasture to feed the population.