Create revenue with out new added taxes.
Software development works best when a single person creates the overall architecture and only later parcels out modules to different developers.
It temporarily created the personal exemption phase out applicable to the range of taxable income between $150,000 and $275,000.
The legislation, was designed, she said, to create hurdles to weed out these casual gun owners.
Drawn curtains were fitted, creating the sense of a view out a window.
Thus was a popular nationalism created, not by intention or design, but out of the exigencies of the struggle.
Indeed, some observers argue that a ratings system will create more ambitious programs and weed out the dross.
Another strategy is to create the molecular equivalent of a club bouncer to escort antibiotics out the door if it gets in.
What they had done today was create something out of nothing and then quickly exile that something away again.
"No Excuses" was a New Year's campaign that sought to motivate people to create a work out plan and stick to it.