No more information except the promise that the "explosive material in this book will create headline-making news and major publicity throughout the country."
"Attempt to create actual news instead of merely sending out publicity."
What I'm saying is that you're a hack, who is now creating news and controversy rather than just reporting on it.
I get 15 of these things daily, and they're creating news that isn't really news.
Cooper couldn't very well create news and be sure of its appearance.
That'll create more news and make a bad situation worse.
The general managers were not doing anything to create news, so someone was needed to appear in the press room.
After two decades of internal warfare, Somalia has demonstrated a consistent ability to create disheartening news.
She says that the media is doing this just to create news on Joyce.
"Actually I've been trying to create news for the last three weeks and I'm not doing a very good job at it," he said.