The girders, that were also in the way of spectators, dripped water onto the ice/play surface creating mounds during play.
Old/dead coral provides an excellent substrate for this growth, creating ever higher mounds of coral.
If you have heavy clay, it's wise to create wide mounds of aerated soil on top.
Pebble-mound mice are the only mammals to create mounds of small stones around their burrows.
The pebble-mound mice are unique in creating mounds of stones around their burrows.
These create small mounds known as mima mounds.
This sinking has created small mounds of 50 to 100 cm.
After essentially clearing a flat piece of land in 1989, Dye used bulldozers to create mounds and gentle contours.
The low temperatures have also allowed resorts to make artificial snow, creating haystack-sized mounds for farming around the mountain.
During that time, nearly two million cubic yards of dirt were dumped at the site, creating giant mounds on the area.