And so the fiction went for a few minutes as they created more misery for poor Ricky.
The ones that created more uncertainty, social unrest, poverty and misery?
I just think that will have to change, because it is creating utter havoc and misery in the community.
You see, spending may not produce happiness, but it does create jobs, and unemployment is very effective at creating misery.
You cannot expect peace and contentment if you're creating misery for others.
Since the wild card was adopted in 1995, it has done nothing for Atlanta except help create misery in the playoffs.
Not everyone is allergic to all three, but the cumulative effect for those who are can create escalating misery over much of the year.
Create or allow enough misery and you will always get a violent result.
Acting on its own, the Will creates absolute misery.
The capitalist system has created poverty and misery across the world and is incapable of dealing with the consequences.