Receding, they dammed rivers, created lakes and marshes, and left widespread debris in such forms as moraines, drumlins, and eskers.
Silt carried down into the lake by the River Greta from the east and Newlands Beck from the west, gradually created marshes that separated the lakes.
They were really tidal inlets- estuaries was the proper name-probing arms of the bay, which curled inland, creating Rats and marshes.
The river has created oxbow lakes, marshes, and natural levees.
Rain fell all day and into the evening, creating small marshes where outfielders would roam.
Both stream systems create extensive marshes where they enter the lake.
On the credit side, as far as wetland habitat was concerned, where railways crossed valleys, they sometimes disrupted the drainage, creating small marshes which survive to this day.
Upon my order, wells were poisoned and dams were built to create marshes where Mehmed's cannon must pass.
In 1988 the town flooded a formerly drained pasture to create ponds, marshes and wet meadows.
The small rivulets created marshes, which attracted Anopheles mosquitoes that spread malaria.