Nearly each episode was written by a different writer which created noticeable inconsistencies as the series progressed.
It's easy, when a novel is heavy with detail, for the details to get out of hand, creating glaring inconsistencies.
Belgarath creates inconsistencies with the rest of the books in the series rather than just fill in all the gaps.
Lack of a national policy even creates crazy inconsistencies from one regional Medicare carrier to the next.
The term is so broad that it creates legal inconsistencies.
Murray allowed for directors to create inconsistencies, reflecting how friends possess different and varied, nostalgic memories of the past.
Both actions are undesirable because they create inconsistencies in the air-fuel ratio.
Recent influences from American English have created inconsistencies.
When dogmaticians forced mysteries of the faith to fit into a strict cause and effect relationships, they created "serious inconsistencies".
In some older episodes, his first name is said to be "Nigel", creating strange inconsistencies.