They're distortions created in the mind of a human being, perhaps an insane one.
The distortions created by these "third party payments" are probably large.
Support one part without taking into account the needs of the other and you can create damaging distortions, which is exactly what has happened.
However, this must not create any barriers to trade or distortion of competition.
But it goes without saying that State aid on this scale created distortions of competition.
Further, in the case of motion towards or away from the camera, size changes, creating additional distortion.
I tried to see her clearly in spite of the distortions created by the nearby lamp.
Do you want to be investing in a market where they're creating more distortions than are already there?
Must taxes create distortions and lead to the waste or inefficiency which Figure 16-3 suggests?
Both create a regular ripple or distortion in the quanta.