Previously only housing associations could create cooperatives, but now this right is also granted to commercial developers, who often create smaller cooperatives.
D'Artagnan sources from small farmers and creates cooperatives of farms where possible, to ensure that animals are raised in humane conditions.
Let them create cooperatives or joint-stock companies.
As enforcement is lax, jitney drivers have even created cooperatives to support each other and to establish jitney stands.
Creating cooperatives for importing agricultural implements, wagons, buggies, etc.
The plan of action was to create African cooperatives to become commanding business institutions in colonial Africa.
The DPRK has created aquacultural cooperatives and a central aquaculture office in the city.
Lack of access to resources inhibits women from creating new cooperatives and affects their roles in existing ones.
Develop cottage and small-scale industries and help create cooperatives.
Some growers have created cooperatives of their own to cut out the middleman.