Marseille fans often lift banners and create choreography in support of the fellow teams.
Many times she would create choreography where the dancer was manipulated from an outside source instead of creating the movement themselves.
"I had to create choreography embedded with a multitude of photogenic moments," he said.
Shawn created athletic choreography for his own all-male company, the Men Dancers, which toured from 1933 to 1940.
Since that time fans are supporting the team while singing, waving flags, creating impressive choreography.
Classically trained dancers developed these studio styles in order to create choreography from the hip-hop dances that were performed on the street.
But since Balanchine claimed to have forgotten the steps, he created new choreography.
Petipa also created difficult choreography for the Ballerina's variations.
She created choreography for several of his pieces and prepared a 20-minute video featuring the six lead performers currently in the show.
Some of the best instructors in the Rochester area wrote music scores, created choreography, and taught instrumental skills.