B1 Jersey City's revaluation of property has created anger, despair and bitterness.
And few have seen the job, once done, create so much anger, despair and bitterness.
The legacy of Umayyad excesses had created extreme bitterness among the local population.
Further negotiations between the denominations failed, creating ongoing bitterness to both.
They refused, creating new bitterness between them and Mr. Hekmatyar.
But not until after the challenges had created bitterness in the department.
These are the kind of actions that create bitterness and are counterproductive to any real environmental efforts.
The players struck in 1987, and the owners created further bitterness by fielding teams with replacement players.
But the shift also created bitterness, particularly among students who felt their lives had been short-circuited by the previous practice.
His stance has created bitterness among Alliance followers and some of the people who came here tonight.