They create a "warped sense of reality" because neither think of the consequences and she is bipolar.
But such spending may well not create an adequate number of jobs, partly because so much leaks to imports.
To create partnerships, because lasting solutions require identifying and solving problems with the community.
They you know we create confusion because it it allows us to have control.
It's funny that they create a 'movement' thing because three people come out with an album at the same time, or whatever it was.
"The portrait created a row because the people who were taking us over hated it," says Miller.
Someone who enjoyed creating pain because he drew strength from it.
So a Bassoon creates mostly low notes because it is big:
For many fund companies, however, this creates a problem because the brokers who sell the shares want their commissions right away.
This created a problem because not all those defined Dutch by the 1838 civil code were necessarily privileged to enjoy public rights.