In 2000 former long-serving head teacher Mary Richardson was created a Dame for her work at the school.
Even Johnson's critics concede that he has created a rigorous academic climate at the school.
A line of shirts, jackets and sweaters were created to help create unity and safety at the school.
Donations of money and books, mostly by Northern supporters, created the library at the school.
"Bringing in another group of 30 students only from the district will create an unbalanced group at the school."
He created an author-in-residence program at the high school where he worked to promote new talent and encourage his students.
Earl Crabbe continued his career during this time, leaving coaching but creating journalism program at both the high school and college.
Plans are in place to create a Senior Centre at the school.
He also created an office of international medicine at the medical school, where nearly half the students take a medical elective in a foreign country.
"Toxic" is indeed a totally apt word to describe the work environment she has created at the school.