He helped create an international arm of the federation, the World O.R.T. Union, and served as president of the union's central board from 1955 to 1980.
The Congress, however, decided to establish a system of federal trial courts with broader jurisdiction, thereby creating an arm for enforcement of national laws within each state.
The group recently created a political arm that has raised $1 million from a single anonymous donor.
They did not even create a national arm, and such institutions as schools and the courts remained, as in most Islamic states, in the hands of religious leaders.
The victory is short lived as the Golem returns and uses parts of the city to create an arm to replace the one it lost in the Catacombs.
"The next order of business is the resolution to create an investigatory arm of the police force."
Members are more concerned about government cuts to health care spending, she said, and the service employees union is close to creating a separate Canadian arm, with Washington's blessing.
Forge creates a cybernetic arm for Cable and becomes the first member of Cable's team.
We have witnessed a Prime Minister Berlusconi who was very reticent about creating a military arm for Europe.
Intel had created a robotic arm that could distinguish between plastic bottles that had water present or not.