Scherhorn, of course closely watched at all times had to play along, creating credible action and situation reports.
What you're doing is creating pace and action in a game in a shorter period of time.
It created action, because the customers wanted to get closer to ,,he product and needed more information.
My intention with this book is to educate, and hopefully, to create action in its readers.
Others, including me, think publicity will create action that reduces panic.
She was using a 10-12 point one no-trump, which is favored by some young players who like to create action.
As a result, you get to create action.
We were getting ourselves into a tactical mentality which says we really have to create action.
He must divide them from tribal allegiances, create new action.
If you want to create action on the important, figure out how to make it vivid, personal and immediate.