In addition, the Singaporean version has the two countries' state creates above the commemorative text.
The earl made a profit, as his agent created a new hill above the park covering a plateau of several acres.
Ms. Lake said the plan would create 195,000 car trips, well above the stated limit.
The wind was blowing sand, creating a brownish blur just above the ground.
It's difficult to create a vibrant public space above an underground expressway.
Where are the "alpha" generators, those that are supposed to create performance above the market?
"Triangulate, create a third position, not just in between the old positions of the two parties but above them as well."
In fact, even when special conditions were used to create temperatures well above that of boiling water, the amount lost increased only slightly.
A. We are forced to earn our profit by creating value over and above the direction of interest rates.
This 'greenhouse effect' creates an average surface temperature above 450 degrees Centigrade.