The thin, rickety window shook but didn't break, and was instantly covered with creamy brown liquid.
Suzi coughed, feeling sour creamy liquid in her gullet.
When the toad is attacked, this chemical weapon oozes out as a thick, creamy liquid.
It dutifully produced two tall glasses of creamy brown liquid.
He reached under the bar for a frosty pewter pitcher and poured Flint a mug of the creamy liquid.
She filled a cup, then sipped the creamy liquid.
Heavy cream has enough fat to coat the proteins, keeping them separate and flowing in a smooth, creamy liquid, but skim milk does not.
He rose, crossed to them, filled two of the cups with a creamy liquid.
The creamy liquid in the octospider's single lens moved from side to side, but the alien did not advance any closer to Max.
It is a thick, creamy liquid, of a purplish color, and a flavor like that of a freshly gathered nut.