The ultimate is Bay of Pigs, with ice cream, whipped cream, cookies, cake, sauce, nuts and bananas ($14).
This property is found in certain complex solutions, such as lava, ketchup, whipped cream, blood, paint, and nail polish.
The pudding is often served with ice cream, crème anglaise, whipped cream, apple sauce, or brandy butter.
For dessert, go directly to the chocolate-almond cake, dense and cocoa-like, served with sweetened, freshly whipped cream.
It is very sweet and often is served with marshmallows, whipped cream, or a piece of solid chocolate.
Lower-fat cream (or milk) does not whip well, while higher-fat cream produces a more stable foam.
It is very sweet and may be topped with marshmallows, whipped cream, or a piece of solid chocolate.
Neither should his passion fruit soufflé or a gossamer concoction of meringue, whipped cream, roasted hazelnuts and pineapple.
The US company makes 2/3 of its sales from products sold to restaurants, including coffee, whipped cream, ice cream, cottage cheese and sour cream.
Accompanying them will be cake, ice cream, whipped cream and baked goods.