The first hint of the end was the crazy rhythm of his heart.
He moved towards her, and at the expression in his eyes, Robbie felt her heart begin thumping in an irregular crazy rhythm.
The quarter finals match was then Davos-Lugano: a spectacular series with emotions, crazy rhythm and enthusiasm back to the HCL people.
But the crazy rhythm of this Grand Slam tournament makes it virtually impossible for Connors to win the championship.
In a town park, a Japanese drummer beat out a crazy rhythm on his bongos while his friends danced nearby, while across the street a man in a tie-dye shirt seemed to have lost his dog Hash (at least that's what he kept calling out).
It didn't do much to calm the crazy rhythm of his heart to note thatall the signs hereabouts were in Liaden, with never a Terran letter to be found; or that everyone he passed was short, golden-skinned, quick--Liaden.
There were some crazy rhythms in much of early music that paralleled what jazz improvisers were doing as far as playing over the bar line.
All the things that didn't get done are pushed and tugged and swept together into 18-hour days that have crazy rhythms and nonsensical juxtapositions.