He looked down at Davey with wide, crazed eyes.
Tait's crazed eye seemed to glow like a small moon in the first flush of eastern light.
But he looked into the crazed eyes and couldn't think of a thing to say.
One of them, a blonde with crazed eyes, made a disgusted sound as she got up.
Reluctantly, he turned, looking past Julie with dull, crazed eyes.
Suddenly the man with the crazed eye dropped his lantern, shot out both hands and closed them on Phillipe's throat.
The guard's crazed eyes carried his total lack of comprehension.
There was a suspicion of mist in Chiano's slightly crazed eyes.
At the rock concert, in the frenzy, I'd put my arm around her and looked into her crazed eyes.
But his plump face and crazed eyes suggested he was merely a psychotic.