Pushing aside another loose stone, John Carter crawled forth into a chamber.
In the qualifying challenge, the four contestants must crawl back and forth to grab their row's colored flags.
The bulldozers crawled back and forth over the remains of the huts, flattening them under the steel tracks.
How I wanted to climb through the phone, crawl forth into our house, and hold her close!
His guide came crawling forth from his place of refuge, and was ready for him before he reached the arches.
Then I crawled forth, flattened as best I could, from under the shelter.
"I am playing a concerto, and there was a fly crawling back and forth along the lid" of the piano, he said.
But the next instant John Gordon found the opening and crawled forth.
But the parasites only crawled slowly back and forth, like autumn flies drugged with the cold.
Their plan was to cut a hole in the bedroom wall so they could crawl back and forth from one house to the other.