Most items sold out within 24 hours, with lines up to 100 people long waiting for restocking, and Target's website crashed repeatedly.
I have to say, seeing the heli repeatedly crashed into things with no penalty got a bit boring.
When I try to connect to my mini, the server just crashes repeatedly.
At a recent demonstration for a reporter, conducted in response to the publicist's phone call, the program crashed repeatedly, making it impossible to judge.
The rover's software has been crashing repeatedly, and the Spirit is unable to use its main antenna.
The criminal's car is constantly moving away, so if the player repeatedly crashes or drives too slowly, the criminal will escape.
On one system, the program crashed repeatedly right after it started; on another, it mostly worked fine.
But her computer was crashing repeatedly and spectacularly, taking data along with it, and corrupting information on the hard disk.
An empty bottle rolled down the aisle and crashed into a wall repeatedly as we drove through some winding hills.
Our review would have been up a week earlier but I originally received a bad machine that crashed repeatedly and then refused to boot.