Tacky qipao in garish colors and high gloss fabrics lined the walls of her cramped shop.
In his cramped shop just off this city's picturesque Old Town, he cranks out signet rings bearing family coats of arms.
Carpenters didn't saw wood on Sundays, ironworkers didn't labor in their cramped, noisy shops.
The cramped shops have become stages for the city's most vicious crimes, played out week after week in wild gunfights and cold-blooded executions.
For 38 years, people gathered in the cramped little family-run shop to wait for Walter's liverwurst and his tuna.
The narrow and cramped shop of a simple dealer in linens, nothing more.
If any good came from growing up in that cramped shop, being able to aid Gilthanas is certainly it.
Part museum and part retail store, the cramped shop is jammed with specimens from all over the world.
It says Stonehenge is a disgrace: concrete underpasses, a café with nowhere to sit, rotting lavatories, and a cramped shop.
Its 1,000-square-foot store was a cramped, two-level shop conducive neither to browsing nor to finding things quickly, but customers never seemed to mind.