One eyelid drooped to give him a crafty suspicious expression.
The hijacker gazed at him, trying to read any sign of a crafty expression.
Torm appeared on the screen, a crafty expression on his face.
Then there came into the starving man's face a crafty expression, and he turned eagerly to the money.
Sharp features and slitted eyes lent him an expression crafty as a rat's.
The head, large as that of a lioness, was distinguished by an intelligent, crafty expression.
Vedvedsica's face took on a crafty expression, as if he were privy to things even the speaker's heir did not know.
Calum got a crafty expression on his face.
Then she saw Gerta extend the chime again with a crafty expression on her face.
Whatever redecorating refinements they might desire tends to find crafty expression at this time of year.