Beyond the work in craft materials that can be?
By the 1870s the Victorian craze for this inexpensive and versatile craft material was at its peak.
In the context of Scouting, trading post usually refers to a camp store where snacks, craft materials and general merchandise are sold.
On the day before the holiday break, she fills the table at the back of the room with craft material.
Teddy bears are also made of plywood and a range of other craft materials.
Among the most interesting pieces are those that use traditional craft materials or forms but defy the genre's conventions.
He is also the owner of Herr's Pacific, which distributes art supplies and craft materials.
This evangelical bookstore offers a wide variety of mainly German books, craft materials, games and souveniers.
Recommended toys include craft materials, jump ropes, puppets, books and sports equipment.
The woods and fields are lovely this time of year, but my yard provides all the floral craft material I need.