The craft lurched forward and down, as if sliding over a waterfall.
The craft lurched again as a tail fin slid off the bank.
The disruptor energy hit them directly in the back, and Fuller felt the craft lurch violently.
The craft lurched a bit from a Dear miss, exploded by her own counterfire.
It filled and the craft lurched away clumsily with its heavy load.
The craft lurched and spun and water poured into the open hatch.
The boat struck the hidden rock almost directly; the craft lurched, stem breaching the water with a sucking splash.
Ree growled as his suddenly unstable craft lurched into the air.
The tip of the propeller snagged a boulder and the whole craft lurched sickeningly forward onto its nose.
The craft lurched as if it had been brought up short at the end of a line, and something began to whine.