Most cowboy attire, sometimes termed Western wear, grew out of practical need and the environment in which the cowboy worked.
It features Beck walking through various New York City locations, wearing cowboy attire and carrying a boombox.
The 1957 version used a real square-dance caller, and the music by Vivaldi and Corelli was played onstage by a string ensemble in cowboy attire.
In Aurora, Mr. Rivera lives a working-class life, supplementing the income from his factory job by selling expensive cowboy attire.
Costumes range from grass skirts, to superheroes, to cowboy attire to Mardi Gras beads.
It bounced with ideas based on cowboy attire and the outfits worn by Los Angeles free spirits.
The front of the album cover shows Stevens dressed in cowboy attire and at a bar with a pretty, flirtatious woman standing at his side.
The cross-trainers looked incongruous with his cowboy attire, with him.
Johnson also took on the image of the Texas cattle rancher, after buying a ranch in Texas and having himself photographed in cowboy attire.
Later, he has his sister buy him cowboy attire and deliver it to him in the parking lot.