I've got to go through life regretting it because you have taught me what a brutal, cowardly thing I did.
It's a cowardly thing to do, but I cannot bear to face her.not yet.
Well, it turned away, the cowardly thing, and ran out of my yard.
It seemed, no matter what one believed, to be a cowardly thing.
In fact, the cowardly thing would have been to be intimidated into distributing the film.
Sure, you would not do the cowardly thing and moll me roon?
They had always been about, the nasty cowardly things.
So we did the cowardly thing and sent it to another panel.
Finally, the most cowardly thing of all is that we have decided to leave it to others to administer the torture.
I should be condemned and shot for this cowardly thing that I have done.