Eyes would light up when a particularly coveted object appeared, and she tried to match child to toy.
For the earliest climbers, it was "the most coveted object in the realm of terrestrial exploration" after the conquest of the North and South Poles.
Samuel, unwilling to wait the final seconds until it reached him, lunged and snatched the sword away, finally clutching the coveted object to his breast.
Few things are more frustrating than delaying the purchase of a coveted object, only to find that by the time you eventually pull out your credit card, the product has been "improved," "restyled" or, worse, "redesigned."
And the paradox is that the once reviled "houses" of Abechuco, are now coveted objects of desire for most of Vitoria.
I thought it best to place the coveted objects beyond his reach.
A few days later, "Greed" had its turn as five women evocatively muttered, laughed and sang much of their own accompaniment over an array of coveted decorative objects.
In space, an American pilot and a group of futuristic ex-cons go on the run with a highly coveted object.
A new dog or puppy signifies a shift in the hierarchy, divided attention and confrontation over coveted objects and sacred sleeping quarters.
"It went pretty quickly from a coveted object to a commodity-design thing."